Scheduling Update – New Recaps… But looking for your input!

As at least a handful of you have noticed I’ve started up my new series of Agito recaps. And true to this sites intention I intend to keep up with the Heisei Kamen Rider!

But now that I’m starting up my second year of blogging here I would like to stretch out a bit, and I’d like for that to include a new series of Recaps! One post a week isn’t much of an update schedule, and as I’ve been getting faster and faster at my write ups I would like to try carving out some time to give you guys a mid-week Recap! But which one should I do?

Well that’s where the input comes in! I’ve a few series I think would work well for Recaps, and I’d like for you guys out there to pick. I’m not sure this blog has much what I’d call ‘Regular Commenters’, so if anyone out there does decide to comment here and actually votes I’m going to go ahead and say that one vote might be enough to win the thing. If I get no response I’ll pick something myself of course, but I’d really like to be able to give you all what you want!

So, what series are in contention?

Kamen Rider (1971) – Yes, the original. Do I have to explain about this show? It’s about a motorcycle riding hero who jump kicks monsters and then they explode! There’s only one real problem with going with this obvious choice. The only English subs I’ve found for it stop at episode 43, which isn’t even half of the shows run! Still I would be more than happy to go as far as I can before having to switch over to something else.

Kaiketsu Zubat – For those of you who’ve never heard of this show, Kaiketsu Zubat is a 1977 Tokusatsu series from Shotaro Ishinomori (the creator of Kamen Rider) that has a really old school styling to it. It is pretty nuts. The general thrust of the story involves a freelance detective who uses a super suit with a strict time limit to fight against an evil criminal organization. The absolute best part of the show is that every week he has to face off against an assassin and defeat them in a duel at their own specialty. Considering the assassin’s specialties range from the mundane like swordsmanship to the ludicrous like carpentry and plate throwing these challenges are just AMAZING and I would love to write about them.

Japanese Spider-Man – I’ve mentioned this one in the blog before. This show is one of the classics and one of the shows that modern Tokusatsu owes much to, not least of which is Giant Robots. Yes you might know Japanese Spider-Man has a giant robot but did you know he was the first Tokusatsu hero to have one on TV? Isn’t that insane? I mean you hear that he has a giant robot and you figure that’s just a Japanese thing but he STARTED the trend. Anyway, Japanese Spider-man (or Supaidāman) ran in 1978 and is just completely bonkers from start to finish. Every episode has a new delightfully insane thing happening and I can promise you that every week is in general the craziest thing you’ve ever seen.

Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers – The dark horse candidate! This show is currently airing, and it isn’t even Tokusatsu! So why do I mention it? Well the premise of the show is ‘What if the Avengers were turned into Pogs.’ I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty terrible. But this is a show where a little holographic Iron Man rides around on a Japanese Middle Schoolers shoulder and calls him ‘Samurai-Boy.’ Considering this blog is for an English speaking audience I thought there was fair odds some people out there might care about this really terrible and really ridiculous show.

So there you have it. The contenders. If you have any thoughts, suggestions or questions feel free to comment, but if you have any care for which series you’d like to see me try and tackle please feel free to vote in the comments. For now voting will be open till oh… 11/26. Thank you all for reading and I hope I can provide you with more entertainment soon!

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