Category Archives: Uncategorized

Returning in May!

So people may have noticed I haven’t posted here in some time, despite my constant protests that I would be back to posting.

I have excuses but they don’t matter much, what’s important is I should be back to dropping new recaps in may. Well ‘new’ in the sense that they’re newly written, not new in the since that I’m covering anything new. Agito and Supaidaman came out awhile back after all.

Apologies to anyone who was turned off by my long hiatus, and I’ll hope to be getting up with you all again soon!

All I feel like I’m doing is apologizing

I have to keep up the apologies again…

It’s going to be another week off. I’ve just got some serious personal business in my life right now. I may have to cut down on the rate of recaps moving forward as I just don’t know if I’m going to have the time for awhile to get together my recaps.

Once again I thank you all for your readership, and hope you’ll check back with me next week when I should hopefully have some new content for you to enjoy!

Always apologizing yet again, need a little time off

Due to circumstances beyond my control I’m going to need to take this week off from posting for some personal issues. I may put up some additional content if I have the time but I just do not have the time on hand to do my regular recaps right now.

I sincerely apologize to everyone out there, I know an erratic schedule makes it hard to follow these kinds of things, and I thank all of you who have been willing to stick things out with me.

Schedule Note Part 2

Alright it’s time to be honest with myself, if I try to play catch up here then I’m going to be behind forever. So, most sadly, last week will have to be a missed week.

I apologize to all my readers out there. The Spider-Man Recap that went up this week will count for this week and I’ll have Agito up this weekend.

Again, I am so so sorry to have had a full missed week. I will work hard to find a way to make it up to you guys.

Schedule note

Wow I fell really behind!

Okay just got out last weeks Japanese Spider-Man today, I’m hoping I’ll have time to put up Agito tomorrow but this weeks Japanese Spider-Man may not make it till Friday or Saturday. Well that’ll teach me to get busy I guess!

I am terrible at schedules…

As some of you may have noticed the Agito recap I promised on time ended up coming up late this week… and it looks like the Spider-Man one will as well. I’m very sorry! Getting back into a groove on posting seems like it will take me a little bit after a break.

I thank you all for putting up with that! As usual I’ll try and find something nifty to post up to make up for it. Until then though, Spider-Man will hopefully be up tomorrow but might be Friday. Going to be crossing my fingers for the time tomorrow to wrap it up. And considering a snow storm is beating down the door here and might be knocking out my work tomorrow I might be getting it.

Hope all of you out there have a lovely day too!

Schedule back up – Agito coming back this weekend!

To all my readers both fickle and loyal, I apologize for delaying more than anticipated. Unfortunately real life was somewhat fickle this holiday season and I wasn’t able to find the time or muse to get back to my postings as quick as I would have liked. I’ll be starting back up with recaps this weekend and hope to have another great year with you all!

Agito Delay… again

Well, urgh, I hate to do this kind of crap two weeks in a row but since my computer crashed and I lost a good half of my Agito writeup it’s probably going to end up delayed. I’m going to try really hard to get it out tomorrow!

I sincerely apologize this time of year is just rather busy for me so it can be a bit rough to find all the time for writeups, but I’ll do my best to avoid problems in the future!

Agito Delay

Well, just after I enter a new schedule I have to delay a post! Sorry, with the holiday season things are a bit hectic and yesterday and today just have me swamped. I should have tomorrow free though so hopefully will have the new Agito recap up then!