Tag Archives: Badaa

Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 33 Recap – Failure is the Only Option

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Grab a seat and join me for another thrilling tale of the adventures of Kamen Rider Kuuga, won’t you? But don’t bother grabbing the whole seat because with all this excitement YOU’LL ONLY NEED THE EDGE! So you know, sublet the rest of the seat to someone else make a little extra spending money because this week their will be some new swag for you to buy.

When we left things off last week, things weren’t looking good for our hero, what with his motorcycle riding rival Badaa, the Grasshopper Grongi, having stolen the Trychaser after the two’s bikes collided in midair. Kuuga manages to dodge Badaa’s first attempt to run him down but the lunge leaves him trapped with nowhere to escape as Badaa wheels around to try again… only to have the Trychaser finally completely break down mid wheelie.

Badaa breaks the Trychaser

Wow, saved by your own faulty equipment. That’s got to be a new low for Kuuga. Badaa just genuinely seems embarrassed by the whole ordeal. He shifts back to his human guise and gets on his own bike where he announces that he’ll make Kuuga his last kill before riding off, leaving Godai stuck on the beach with his smoldering wreck while we jump to the credits.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 32 Recap – Road Rash

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3-2-1 Recap! Remember to hit your gas the moment the 2 drops if you want to get that early speed boost, though… taking the lead may mean a blue shell is coming your way. Sorry all, I may or may not have spent nigh the entirety of the Fourth of July playing Mario Kart 8 (incidentally it is awesome), but with that out of my system I’m in full on Kamen Rider Kuuga mode.

This week kicks off with a rehash of Badaa’s motorcycle murder from last week meaning that the clip show was entirely superfluous as the only bit of forward momentum in the plot was bound to be covered anyways. Some bystander happened to witness the sweet mayhem though, including Badaa’s transformation back into his human guise, and has reported it to the police.

Kuuga Super Detective

After shouting the obvious at Ichijo (seriously how many scarf wearing motorcycle riding Grongi do you think there are Godai), our heroes peelsout towards their targets location while we slip into the credits.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 31 Recap – Letting the Days Go By

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Hey there all you readers out there. Before we get started can I say that I am STILL super hyped about the jump kick last we… two weeks ago? I mean c’mon aren’t you all? If you’re not then I’m pretty sure you need to go re-watch it. I’m going to go do that right now myself!

Okay, everyone back with me? I want to be sure we’re all on the same page before we kick things off since this episode is by its very nature going to have a weird start up. I mean Kuuga effectively nuked half the city and there’s bound to be some fallout from that so let’s see what it’s like with Tokyo being a post jump kicked wasteland.

Kuuga Big Bomb Kick

Okay maybe not all of Tokyo was leveled, so sue me. It’s still pretty big! 3000 meters is almost 2 miles in radius (for those of you who prefer English units), which is definitely a healthy dose of destruction. We find this out from one of the weirdest TV shows I’ve ever seen, as it’s a guy with a stick pointing to newspaper articles he’s taped up onto a board that he’s summarizing for the viewers. It’s… kind of like a news show but not really I guess? I should note that the picture in the magazine is one of Kuuga right in the middle of his Rider Kick which means at least whoever took that picture has been vaporized because they were like ten feet from the explosion.

Godai and Minori are watching this broadcast at Pore Pore and there’s a palpable air of unease hanging over the whole thing, as the TV Newspaper Reader Guy talks about uncountable casualties and growing public unease in regards to the ever increasing power of Kuuga which is a really good cause to jump to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 28 Recap – Beach Baby Beach Baby There on the Sand

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You say you want a Revolution? Well you know, we’ve got an all new Kamen Rider Kuuga Recap. I’m pretty sure that’s how the song went.

Ok well actually if you like the Revolution we’re sadly not starting with that. Oh we’re picking back up with the motorcycle duel but it’s most unfortunately not set to classical accompaniment. For those who need a refresher last week the Scarf Grongi who we now know is named Badaa challenged Kuuga to a motorcycle showdown that was ridiculously awesome and ended with our hero being blown up in a chemical fire. Well while Kuuga is shaking off the explosion Badaa readies another charge on his Grongi bike only to have Kuuga remount on the Trychaser and pull it into a ramp-less jump over Badaa’s bike.

Kuuga Badaa Motocross Mayhem

Badaa shifts back to his human guise and says something in Grongi which is most like ‘Ok that was cool enough for me to let you live for the time being’ and he rides off leaving Godai behind quite confused at what just transpired. Or maybe he’s just reeling from the sheer awesomeness of that exchange? Only time will tell.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 27 Recap – Eternal Sonata

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Welcome back dear readers for a far more entertaining visit to Kamen Rider Kuuga! Well, considering the sulk-fest that was last week that’s hardly surprising but I’ve got high hopes for this weeks episode, so let’s go ahead and get into the action.

We kick things off with the beat getting dropped. A bunch of kids are having an impromptu dance party when a lady in a Chinese dress shows up and the camera spends a lot of time panning over her and she gets a random wind effect that blows her hair around and then she in slow motion walks through the dancing crowd towards their boom box and yeah okay she’s this weeks Grongi. I mean, c’mon.

Grongi Dance Party

When she gets to the boom box though she does flip the music over from some generic hip hop to Chopin’s Revolutionary Etude. Yeah even if you don’t know the name to that piece I am pretty positive you have heard it and I’m just going to drop a link to it here.

Feel free to pop that on loop while reading through this recap. You will not be disappointed!

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