Tag Archives: Ichijo

Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 49 Recap – Blue Skies

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Welcome back all my dear readers to this. The final installment in my series of recaps on Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Before the credits all we see is a blue sky along with the title of the episode, Yusuke.

Yusuke OpeningThe sound is rather calm as well, with a distant gonging church bell and the babbling of a brook. It would be quite soothing and relaxing if the final image from last week hadn’t been Godai facedown lifeless in the snow! CAN WE PLEASE GET SOME RESOLUTION TO THAT SHOW?

Okay I’m sure that once we get past the opening credits we’ll get some answers.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 48 Recap – Showdown at the House of Blue Leaves

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Welcome back dear readers for this, the penultimate installment in my series of recaps for Kamen Rider Kuuga!

That’s right folks, this is the second to last episode and we pick up where we left off from last week as Tokyo is still covered in torrential downpour while Godai stops in to Pore Pore for one last cup of coffee. Also this happens.

Pot calling the kettle Kuuga

I would like to note that contrary to what I am sure is your first thought that is in fact Manager calling Godai an idiot. Which of all possible combinations of people in that scene is the most absurd one for that dialogue to be going that way.

Also Godai tells Nana and Manager that he’s Kuuga, which seems like it should have a lot of impact but if you have been reading these recaps you might remember that only his close circle of friends knows that Kuuga is his name. To the public at large Godai is still known as ‘Number 4’, so when he reveals his identity to two of the people he’s closest to in the world they just meet him with someone confused expressions. Nana is far more torn up about the fact that Godai has just dropped the bombshell that he is going off on a journey and will be leaving them all behind while Manager actually shockingly may have figured out the truth of Godai’s secret identity, but he doesn’t have time to say it before Godai runs off to say more farewells!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 47 Recap – Walk in the Rain

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Welcome back dear readers to the home stretch of my recaps for Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Not going to lie this episode starts up super creepy. The only sound we hear at the start is a choir holding a long note, and that is soon followed by Kuuga gasping for air while Daguva childishly laughs. This footage is shown over Daguva smiling innocently in his human form in the rain, holding his hand out towards Kuuga as everything everywhere starts exploding. Daguva henshin’s into his Grongi form but it is too dark to make it out clearly, although we are able to clearly enough see that the Amadam on Kuuga’s belt has been shattered. Oh and also that seriously everything is exploding, I can not stress that enough. Cars, buildings, Kuuga himself… We even see a dude on fire running out of a phone-booth.

Everyones on fire Kuuga

Daguva is also imploring Kuuga, in that sing-songy childlike voice of his, to get stronger so he can see Kuuga smile more, which we hear him say over Kuuga gasping in pain and blacking out while watching from Kuuga’s own eyes the chaos and destruction that is engulfing the world around him.

So yeah that’s a heck of a way to start the episode!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 46 Recap – Shot Through the Heart and You’re to Blame

Blank Kuuga Title Welcome back dear readers to the home stretch recaps of Kamen Rider Kuuga! Last weeks episode involved our hero being beaten so horribly he found himself once again on the brink of death awaiting Tsubaki’s medical care. Also Enokida managed to figure out how to make a bullet explode twice, which somehow techno-babbles up a way to negate the Grongi healing factor in theory! When we start things off this week we learn that Godai was faking at playing dead… sort of. Actually he willpowered his own heart to stop just so he could force Tsubaki into giving him the defibrillator so that he could get another power up. Got to admire Godai's insanity I guessI’m not sure whether that’s awesome or dickish or both. I mean he intentionally put his life on the line to get a potentially dangerous upgrade, but he also kind of forced a good friend of his into a corner somewhat against his wishes. Thankfully the show pretty much plays this all as at best a sketchy situation so I’m quite satisfied at all this ambiguity as we move along to the credits! Continue reading

Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 45 Recap – She Blinded Me With SCIENCE!

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Welcome back dear readers to my home stretch of recaps of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

For those of you who recall from last week, we ended things with Green Kuuga launching a bowgun dart straight into the Rhinoceros Beetle Grongi’s back, and when we pick up this week it hits! Only to, somewhat unsurprisingly, have the Rhinoceros Beetle completely no sell the damage as his eyes flash from purple to green. And just like Green Kuuga, this time when the Rhinoceros Beetle whips out some of his jewelry it transforms into his ranged weapon, a crossbow!

Ranged Rhino Beetle

I should note that whenever the Rhinoceros Beetle uses his transformation he grabs just a handful of these dangling sharks tooth shaped things hanging from his chest and they transform into wildly different weapons so… you know Kuuga seems to have the short end of the stick in that he actually has to have a gun to make his own gun.

Kuuga is able to quickly Chou Henshin to blue and leap out of the way, drawing the Rhinoceros Beetles attention while the cops manage to make it back to their cars to escape. But that means our hero is left to face the Grongi alone as we rather quickly hurry off to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 44 Recap- Millennium Special Version

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Welcome back dear readers to my home stretch of recaps of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Things start off this week in a rather relaxed mellow mood as soothing piano music plays while we catch up with Ichijo and Godai out on a fitness date. The pair are sharing a jog past some lovely scenic rivers and through some parks. But Ichijo, being Ichijo, has to interrupt the romance by bringing up work. He talks about how Number 0 is probably getting ready to make an appearance soon, which prompts Godai to explain that the reason he’s been training to get stronger is to be ready for it and Ichijo agrees that he has to be stronger too.

Then Godai trips over absolutely nothing, for comedic effect. Which is not necessarily the sort of thing you want to see the person who just vowed to work hard so that he could defeat the ultimate evil do. I mean, yes everyone trips sometimes. But I’m not sure I want the last savior of humanity to be showing off ‘goofy clumsiness’ as a character trait.

Godai pratfalls

Ichijo of course finds this adorable and the pair share a laugh as Ichijo helps him back up and they jog off into the credits!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 43 Recap- Die Hard

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Welcome back, dear readers you, to my home stretch of recaps of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

When we left things off last week, the height of all heights had been reached as the cliffhanger had left unnamed probably crazy janitor guy marching towards Mika as she looked at some posters of flutes. Truly the most epic and crazy thing that has ever happened in the entirety of Kuuga‘s run!

As we come to this week the tension is still in full effect, as the Janitor pulls up behind the frightened Mika, reaching towards her to thrust out… the necklace she dropped earlier apparently.

The height of Mika Suspense!

Oooh the drama! The resolution! Phew am I glad that’s over and it was exactly as exciting as I expected a scene with Mika to be.

She thanks him for his assistance as crazy Janitor continues on his way, and we get closeups of him looking all crazy still, and yeah show I think we’re pretty clear on him being nuts. And of course, then the credits!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 40 Recap – Nightmare at 20,000 Feet

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Welcome back, dear readers, for another installment in the ongoing saga of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Last week ended with the death of long standing villain Gooma, the Bat torn to shreds by an invisible Daguva. Our heroes were left alone in the wilderness with the Grongi’s corpse, staring out into the silent night in fear and trepidation.

So of course this week opens with the far more shocking twist of Godai actually doing some work at Pore Pore. Even manager is surprised to see him cooking there. Godai tries to pull the same talking hand puppet trick he did on Manager way back in episode 11 but Manager has grown wise to Godai’s trickery and see’s through the jape!

Pore Pore Manager Life LessonsYes, Manager does propose that Godai pick up some proper joke material from him. I… I think that’s supposed to be funny, with how painfully unfunny Manager is? Manager does say he is aware Godai is going through a rough patch and reminds him he can always run off to have an adventure, while Godai says he still has to finish his Kuuga adventure. Which of course Manager mistakes for some composer and he starts singing to himself and ugh Manager is this the kind of thing you’re hoping Godai learns from you? Seriously? How to make really terrible puns that no one understands?

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 39 – Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader?

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My my it seems like we’ve been starting every week here off with a cliffhanger haven’t we? Well that’s just how late season Kamen Rider Kuuga rolls!

Picking up from last week Godai and the police are racing to the location of the Scorpion Grongi who they’ve managed to corner near the train she was going to attack when they suddenly receive a report about Gooma, the Bat Grongi, rampaging in an entirely different location and racking up a huge body count. Also I am compelled to note that Sugita’s explanation of the Scorpion Grongi’s appearance includes him saying in Engrish that she is wearing a “Miniskirt-o” which I find as delightful as all of Sugita’s Engrish.

Godai decides he’ll go after the Scorpion, but just when he announces it over the radio…

Godai and Ichijo in synchWho’s that other voice? Why it’s Ichijo’s! Yes our two leads actually speak the same line over one another which is super cute! Everyone stares in shock at their radio though as Ichijo was supposed to be laid up in bed recovering from the serious wounds that Baruba gave him during their last battle. And with Godai gushing over hearing Ichijo’s voice on the radio we’re off to the credits.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 38 Recap – Waiting for Daguva

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Once again I’d like to thank everyone out there joining me today as we delve into another action packed episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

For those of you who need a refresher… holy crap you guys Ichijo and Baruba are having a showdown in an abandoned warehouse!

Ichijo and Baruba showdown in the shadows

The electrical sparks have died out after a short in the system, and Ichijo begins to toss a barrage of questions at Baruba, trying to figure out if she really is Number 0 and what has been going on with the Grongi of late. Baruba doesn’t bother responding and instead just turns to walk away which leads to Ichijo cold shooting her straight in the back. Which is… kind of surprising! Ichijo is usually quite the good cop so to see him bring potentially lethal force against a non aggressive target is kind of a shock.

Though the bullet does draw blood the wound closes up almost immediately and Baruba comments on how much the Linto have changed before issuing a warning to Ichijo. She announces that Daguva will be entering Kuuga soon. But rather than explain what she means by that she just starts menacingly approaching Ichijo as we move to the credits.

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