Tag Archives: Kamen Rider Agito Recap

Kamen Rider Agito Ep 14 Recap – Cake Boss

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

This week picks up right on the cliffhanger from last. The Scorpion Unknown has managed to poison Agito (thanks to the fact that Agito’s armor doesn’t cover any of his joints), and with Mana cornered while our hero is unconscious it looks like there’s going to be no hope for survival! Can anyone save our heroes?

G3 with the save surprisingly!

Why it’s G3! So… going to go with no, don’t think they’re that much better off than they were without him being there considering G3’s track record. G3 does pull out an old weapon again, the GS-03 Destroyer. You might remember that as the high frequency blade that kind of works like a chainsaw and may be able to damage the Unknown. Or I guess it would kind of work like a chainsaw if he managed to land any hits with it, which, again, he does not. I can’t find myself being too surprised.

Despite being unable to finish off the Scorpion, or land a serious blow on him, or really at all make himself seem like the slightest threat at all, G3 does manage to sneak in a few shots with his pistol and the Scorpion Unknown is actually flung back by it, and apparently having grossly overestimated the threat that G3 provides he decides to escape. But even though the immediate threat is gone Shouichi is still poisoned, and now doomed to die!

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 13 – Police incompetence

Agito Title CardWelcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Picking up from last week all we get before the opening credits is the last bit of the fight between Agito and the Black Zebra Unknown, which does thankfully include the bit where Hojo gets punched out by Hikawa. We’re then reminded that this new interloper in the story Sawaki Tetsuya had almost written down his name as our leads while on his way to visit with the Evil Man.

Got to love all that hospital security on murderers

And yes there’s absolutely no police presence at the hospital guarding the Evil Man. I’d like to remind you that the last time we saw the Evil Man he was in police custody for having confessed to murdering someone. Is it strange that I want to chalk up them just dumping him in a hospital up to the level of how competent I expect the police to act in Agito? Nah I’m sure he just used his magic powers to escape police custody or something. Dude has a bunch of random super powers after all right?

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 12 Recap – The Shining

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Things kick off this time around with another little game of catch up, where the important facts from last week were apparently that Saeko freaked out and plead ignorance to why she would be in Ryo’s father’s journal and Hikawa’s knocking himself unconscious while distracting the White Zebra Unknown.

Hikawa is having a little nap

Awww he looks so cute when he’s passed out from likely massive internal injuries. Agito shakes free of the White Zebra Unknown but when he tries to find what happened to the Black one he finds it’s disappeared, and in his time looking for it the White one gets away as well. Probably should have sent the White one to jump kick oblivion before looking around there Agito.

With no reason to stay at the scene Agito walks off into some conveniently dramatic mist while Hikawa comes back to his senses which is pretty impressive since he was apparently only knocked out for about ten seconds, and we’re off to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 6 Recap – Now you’re thinking with Portals

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

We kick things off this week exactly where they left off last time, with Agito being buffeted by the wind of the Gorgon Unknown. How will he ever manage to resist the fearsome winds oh wait she just leaves. Literally that’s the resolution. She’s just gone. And with no Unknown lingering about and with no one noticing the Evil Boy (I mean technically he’s like a day old still but he’s not a baby anymore) Agito decides to just drive off leaving Hikawa to take Mayumi to the hospital. There Mayumi is visited by Ryo and she breaks down for a good cry.

Mayumi shares a good hospital cry with Ryo

It turns out that Mayumi just learned her father was killed, which explains why Hikawa was actually at the scene. She was the target of the latest Unknown attack because she’s family to one of the deceased! She has no idea why her father was killed though which leads to her just questioning the randomness of it all in tears as we jump to the credits! Side note… man, that’s a downer way to start an episode huh?

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 4 Recap – There’s No Such Thing as Magic!

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Last week Agito had already run into a pair of monsters that were able to withstand the power of his Rider Kick. How is he ever going to be able to win the fight against them?

Agito Tree Throw Finisher

Oh, he just throws them through a tree. And where glowing exploding jump kicks failed to even scratch the Turtle Kaijin, being tossed through a tree seems to have severely injured the pair as they opt to burrow away rather than face off against Agito further. And for those of you who forgot from last week, yes these are burrowing Turtle Unknown. Yes some Turtles do burrow. No that does not make them any less ridiculous.

Shouichi cancels his Henshin only to see Mana nearby having seen the entirety of the fight, and when he tries to call out to her she understandably flees rather than deal with the situation, leaving both of them looking worried and confused as we jump to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 3 Recap – Standing Ovation

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Last week ended with G3 being horribly useless while Agito defeated two Unknown single-handed. And with the cat monsters exterminated Agito had turned his violent wrath upon the helpless G3! Things pick up right away as Agito completely tears G3 apart, which again leads to nothing but constant shouting from G3’s mission support about how horribly beat up he’s getting.

The show is not called Kamen Rider G3The battery on the suit fails and the defensive system that protects Hikawa shuts down, which means that any further hits he takes will be just like getting hit as a regular human. And that’s when Agito decides it’s time to prep for another Rider Kick. Just before Hikawa is exploded into lots of itty bitty G3 chunks though Agito comes to his senses, looking down in disbelief at his hands before he flees from the scene.

Shouichi de-Henshin’s and tries to escape but finds that he’s overcome by a piercing headache that causes him to wipe out his bike. Mana finds the collapsed Shouichi and he begs her for help which is a pretty dark way to jump to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 2 Recap – Blinded By the Light

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my new ongoing recap series focusing on the second Kamen Rider Heisei series, Kamen Rider Agito! But before we go on I want to note I’m going to be starting up a midweek recap series and I’m hoping for at least some of you readers to help me pick which one I do, I’ve got a post about it here.

This week starts off with… a condensed version of the Rider Kick from the end of last week but this time without the awesome song “Believe Yourself” playing, which makes it infinitely lamer by comparison. This is true of all things that happen compared to the version of them that happens while “Believe Yourself” is playing.

The only new thing that happens is that G3 stands up, wonders who this strange new Rider is, and then immediately falls over like it’s some sort of goofy slapstick routine.

G3 pratfall

I am starting to wonder if G3 is maybe not really cut out for the Super Hero business guys. I’m seeing a lot more ‘bumbling sidekick’ in his future. But for now we’re off for the first time to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 1 Recap – Man Eating Trees

Agito Title Card

Welcome back all my loyal readers and to my new readers welcome to my new series of recaps for Kamen Rider Agito! It’s been a year to the day since I started this blog and even I’m a bit amazed I was able to stick with it this long. But who wants to hear about me when we can jump into some Kamen Rider goodness?

Before the episode starts there’s a card to inform us that it is the 30th Anniversary show for Kamen Rider (so I’m not the only one celebrating an Anniversary) and then we’re straight into the eye of a storm. Lightning crashes and winds rage for a few seconds before we catch up with the aftermath of the storm as a family of junk scavengers starts picking through the remnants of the storms destruction left behind on a beach. That is until the youngest of the family stumbles on something seemingly out of this world.

Buried Cross

He turns one of the dials on the cross before his grandfather runs up and tears him away from it, admonishing him not to touch the thing when suddenly all the dials start spinning. They’re left to wonder what the heck is going on and we finally get the title card shown at the top of the page. No opening yet though, that’ll have to wait for the next episode!

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