Tag Archives: Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider Agito Ep 5 Recap – Devil Babies Grow Up So Fast

Agito Title Card Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

At the end of last weeks episode Mikumo had just stumbled on the evil baby she’d birthed with her crazy mad science experiments. Oh you think I’m overreacting about it being evil? Sure I guess you’re right I wouldn’t know if the baby was evil just because it was made with twisted scientific experiments on ancient DNA models. I mean it’s not like the baby was up and walking around despite being literally minutes old or anything. Pitter Patter of Evil Baby Feet And it’s not like those footprints the baby left behind are evaporating in steam that leaves behind a replica of the symbol that was tattooed on the back of that definitely not evil babies hand. I mean that might lead someone to think something was wrong with the ancient monster science baby and that would be patently unfair to the little guy wouldn’t it.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 42 Recap – No Godai. You are the demons.

Blank Kuuga TitleWelcome back into the home stretch of my recap series on the first Heisei RIder, Kamen Rider Kuuga!

This week opens up with a… well honestly, it kind of feels like we missed an episode because this week starts off right in the middle of the action with sirens blaring as Ichijo is racing to the sight of the latest Grongi attack. It turns out that this new Grongi has blocked off an underground mall by stacking vehicles and debris at all the exits, which he apparently did three times the day before which is kind of impressive! I mean that’s a lot of underground malls to plan out how to block off, and you’d have to coordinate your timing pretty well if you were a Grongi because if you started blocking up one exit I’m pretty sure people would start running for the others. I’m just saying that this guy seems pretty well dedicated to the craft of putting on a good Gegeru is all.

Ichijo is coordinating the arrival of hundreds of police officers, sniping teams, excavation crews, and of course our named detectives and Godai, who are all descending upon the scene. Ichijo is prioritizing clearing out a route that they can lead the Grongi off to their designated explosion area, and in general he seems to be in probably a better mood than one should be when attempting to schedule the explosion of a serial killer.

Ichijo loves him some Grongi fighting

But with his plan coming together, and his boyfriend on the way to the fight, can you really blame Ichijo for grinning as innocents are slaughtered? Best not to answer that question as we’re off to the credits!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 40 Recap – Nightmare at 20,000 Feet

Blank Kuuga Title

Welcome back, dear readers, for another installment in the ongoing saga of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Last week ended with the death of long standing villain Gooma, the Bat torn to shreds by an invisible Daguva. Our heroes were left alone in the wilderness with the Grongi’s corpse, staring out into the silent night in fear and trepidation.

So of course this week opens with the far more shocking twist of Godai actually doing some work at Pore Pore. Even manager is surprised to see him cooking there. Godai tries to pull the same talking hand puppet trick he did on Manager way back in episode 11 but Manager has grown wise to Godai’s trickery and see’s through the jape!

Pore Pore Manager Life LessonsYes, Manager does propose that Godai pick up some proper joke material from him. I… I think that’s supposed to be funny, with how painfully unfunny Manager is? Manager does say he is aware Godai is going through a rough patch and reminds him he can always run off to have an adventure, while Godai says he still has to finish his Kuuga adventure. Which of course Manager mistakes for some composer and he starts singing to himself and ugh Manager is this the kind of thing you’re hoping Godai learns from you? Seriously? How to make really terrible puns that no one understands?

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 34 Recap – Splitting Headaches

Blank Kuuga Title

Welcome back dear readers, I’m happy once again to have the pleasure of guiding you through this weeks episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga.

This week kicks off to a great start with a horrifying death. I mean, not that I’m really in favor of gruesome murder or anything but it does make for entertaining television. Our hapless victim this week is already in the hospital under the watchful eye of his family. This poor kid, Satoshi, is freaking out saying that someone told him it would happen on the fourth day, and it’s already happened to all his friends. His family is trying to console him while barely keeping it together themselves before he starts freaking out and thrashing on his bed.

Bedridden Satoshi

He pulls his hands back to reveal a nosebleed, and as his family and him all start flipping out the medical staff runs to his room along with Ichijo in tow. Our detective doesn’t enter the room though, as the nurses swing the door open to the wailing sounds of the distraught family he remains outside and hangs his head in resigned despair as he begins to silently cry.

Ichijo mourns Satoshi in his own way

And while he does the camera zooms in on a mysterious stranger in the background casually watching the whole affair.

Mysterious Stranger watches Ichijo

It’s a really freaking good opening.

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Kamen Rider x Doctor Who: Sonic Screwdrivers and Rider Kicks

This is my second post in an ongoing series comparing Doctor Who and Kamen Rider. For an introduction to Kamen Rider go here, for an introduction to Doctor Who go here.

If there’s one definite commonality between both Doctor Who and Kamen Rider, it’s that during their early runs they had almost no budget. While over time both shows would see increases in funding as their popularity rose early on they were making do on the best they could, and that influenced the way both shows approached problem solving.

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Heisei Rider Vs. Shōwa Rider Update! Some wonderful links!

First of all, a little programming note. To fit my schedule better I’m going to be moving my Kuuga Recaps to Saturdays. This week might be a little later because I was on vacation but we shall see.

But, to cover you all for Friday I wanted to be sure everyone got the following link!


That link is to where you can vote for who will win the Heisei Rider Vs. Shōwa Rider movie that’s coming out March 29th! Also, how cool is it that they got the domain ‘superhero-battle’? I mean, you’d think someone else would’ve snatched that up by now…

As of posting there’s over a million votes for each side, and Shōwa currently has the lead. I will admit I voted for Heisei because while Shōwa is definitely fun, I just have more affection for the Riders I first got hooked on and that would be the Heisei era.

But if you don’t know who to pick to vote for, the following videos might help, after the jump!

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 17 Recap- It Feels Like the First Time

Kamen Rider Kuuga Title

Welcome dear readers, as we go through the looking glass with today’s recap of the recap episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga.

Oh, is that spoiler territory? It kind of feels like it since this episode actually gets off to a pretty engaging start! It’s just a regular day in the city, people doing like they do with the walking around and ignoring the Rose Woman who’s sitting off the street doing her nails, until a newspaper blows in on her foot showing that the 24th Grongi has been defeated. The ambient sound then cuts out as we are introduced to our villain of the week!

25th Grongi

She leads him off to a side street where he shifts to his Grongi form (it’s a Tiger, which you’ll not guess unless you look it up in extra media like a lot of the Grongi forms) and says something in Grongi that the Rose Woman helpfully translates as being 72 kills in 6 hours as the stakes for his murdering time, which is a pretty aggressive body count! She gives him his bracelets and the horn ring to the belt key click, and he is ready to head out and get to murdering before we’re even to the opening credits.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 16 Recap – It’s Alive!

Kamen Rider Kuuga Title

Welcome back, dear readers, to a cliffhanger resolving recap of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

When we left our hero last week, as you will almost certainly recall because it was incredibly awesome, Kuuga and the Acid Trip Grongi were about to ram, respectively, their sweet new bike and their ratty old truck into one another. They were about a millisecond away from collision and there was no time left to avert the crash! So what happens now that we’re back?

Well, it turns out that Kuuga actually veered off way before hand and avoided the hit.

Kuuga chickens out


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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 15 Recap – It was a Rock Lobster!

Kamen Rider Kuuga Title

Dear readers, thank you for joining me once again as we dive into another exciting episode of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

We start off this week with a little internal recap of last weeks episode. Not using actual footage though, instead it’s us watching the police all scrambling together to figure out what is going on with the rocks that have formed into a vague beetle shape of their own free will, and honestly we get our first really clear look at it from one of the pictures Jean took.

Rock Beetle Kinda

Sugita, Ichijo and Enokida all are on scene to talk about how busy everythings going to be now that on top of the Grongi they have this weird UFO to deal with, and they all plan on having a busy day the next day. But Enokida knows that the next day is some vaguely important day for Ichijo! Oh no, could there be conflict coming? Not for Ichijo, who just peaces out to get back to work because he is all about the business of dealing with weird stuff, and business is booming.

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Kamen Rider Kuuga Ep 14 Recap – Weird Science

Kamen Rider Kuuga Title

Welcome back, dear readers, to another thrilling week of adventure with a recap of Kamen Rider Kuuga!

We pick up this week where we left off the last, so for those of you who need a quick refresher… Kuuga entered into a fight with the Piranha Grongi, only for inappropriately timed visions of a grainy beetle to cause him to lose control and get the tar beaten out of him and now… he’s being eaten.

Kuuga snack

Oh dear. Well, at least for once he remembers his powers, as Kuuga takes a brief pause in the fight to shift into his purple form, protecting him from the onslaught of the Piranha’s attacks.

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