Tag Archives: Ryou

Kamen Rider Agito Ep 1 Recap – Man Eating Trees

Agito Title Card

Welcome back all my loyal readers and to my new readers welcome to my new series of recaps forĀ Kamen Rider Agito! It’s been a year to the day since I started this blog and even I’m a bit amazed I was able to stick with it this long. But who wants to hear about me when we can jump into some Kamen Rider goodness?

Before the episode starts there’s a card to inform us that it is the 30th Anniversary show for Kamen Rider (so I’m not the only one celebrating an Anniversary) and then we’re straight into the eye of a storm. Lightning crashes and winds rage for a few seconds before we catch up with the aftermath of the storm as a family of junk scavengers starts picking through the remnants of the storms destruction left behind on a beach. That is until the youngest of the family stumbles on something seemingly out of this world.

Buried Cross

He turns one of the dials on the cross before his grandfather runs up and tears him away from it, admonishing him not to touch the thing when suddenly all the dials start spinning. They’re left to wonder what the heck is going on and we finally get the title card shown at the top of the page. No opening yet though, that’ll have to wait for the next episode!

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