Tag Archives: Tokusatsu

Japanese Spider-Man Episode 11 Recap – A Bridge Too Far

Japanese Spider-Man Title

Welcome back readers to my midweek recap series, chronicling the insanity that is the legendary Toei series Japanese Spider-Man! Or, Supaidāman, if you’re feeling phonetic.

This week starts off with a title card that really pumps up for a hell of a show ahead. Seriously, the name of this episode is Professor Monster’s Ultra Poison Assassination. This episode is promising us Ultra Poison people! Let’s see if it lives up to the hype!

Ultra Poison Excitement!

Okay a little kid walking across a wood bridge. Not… not exactly the thrilling start I was hoping for.

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 14 Recap – Cake Boss

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

This week picks up right on the cliffhanger from last. The Scorpion Unknown has managed to poison Agito (thanks to the fact that Agito’s armor doesn’t cover any of his joints), and with Mana cornered while our hero is unconscious it looks like there’s going to be no hope for survival! Can anyone save our heroes?

G3 with the save surprisingly!

Why it’s G3! So… going to go with no, don’t think they’re that much better off than they were without him being there considering G3’s track record. G3 does pull out an old weapon again, the GS-03 Destroyer. You might remember that as the high frequency blade that kind of works like a chainsaw and may be able to damage the Unknown. Or I guess it would kind of work like a chainsaw if he managed to land any hits with it, which, again, he does not. I can’t find myself being too surprised.

Despite being unable to finish off the Scorpion, or land a serious blow on him, or really at all make himself seem like the slightest threat at all, G3 does manage to sneak in a few shots with his pistol and the Scorpion Unknown is actually flung back by it, and apparently having grossly overestimated the threat that G3 provides he decides to escape. But even though the immediate threat is gone Shouichi is still poisoned, and now doomed to die!

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Japanese Spider-Man Episode 10 Recap – Snake, Rattle and Roll

Japanese Spider-Man Title

Welcome back readers to my midweek recap series, chronicling the insanity that is the legendary Toei series Japanese Spider-Man! Or, Supaidāman, if you’re feeling phonetic.

This weeks episode kicks off at the secluded Kitazawa meteor research lab sitting on Mt. Hakuja. It’s a dark and stormy night and three toughs in Hawaiian shirts decide they’re too scared of the fog to risk the dangerous mountain drive, so they opt to break into the place to hold up for the night. So they’re oddly safety conscious burglars. They’re further prompted to complete their B and E when they learn the house houses a lone beautiful woman, who they decide to force their amorous advances upon, as toughs are wont to do.

But the moment they try to grab onto her she turns back and transforms into… a Snake Woman!

A little long in the tooth snake woman

Or a Walrus woman maybe. Oh wait actually that isn’t the full of her transformation, it’s not even her final form!

Snake Woman got some tooth work done

I have to wonder why the heck they gave the actress super long teeth in the middle transformation step only for her to, you know, NOT have giant teeth in her Machine Bem form? Come on, that should have taken like just a minute to check with the prop department! Also after just recapping an episode of Agito with a very brand conscious Scorpion Kaijin I have to say I jumped the gun since Snake Woman here is all about letting you know how much of a Snake she is. Not only does she have a snake face and individual Snake Medusa style hair, but her left hand is a whole separate snake all its own!

The Snake Woman then lightly shoves the three men to the ground as they do nothing to resist her, which of course means they’re all dead. And after dumping their bodies back in their car she props the gas and launches it off a nearby cliff to condemn the toughs to a fiery death while she grins over the title card.

Very smile like hell tears

Two things here. One is that Japanese Spider-Man continues to deliver the greatest episode titles known to man. And two is that perhaps ‘the Tears of the Snake Woman’ is an odd phrase to put over a picture of a woman who is obviously clearly enjoying how good she is at murdering some dudes.

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 13 – Police incompetence

Agito Title CardWelcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Picking up from last week all we get before the opening credits is the last bit of the fight between Agito and the Black Zebra Unknown, which does thankfully include the bit where Hojo gets punched out by Hikawa. We’re then reminded that this new interloper in the story Sawaki Tetsuya had almost written down his name as our leads while on his way to visit with the Evil Man.

Got to love all that hospital security on murderers

And yes there’s absolutely no police presence at the hospital guarding the Evil Man. I’d like to remind you that the last time we saw the Evil Man he was in police custody for having confessed to murdering someone. Is it strange that I want to chalk up them just dumping him in a hospital up to the level of how competent I expect the police to act in Agito? Nah I’m sure he just used his magic powers to escape police custody or something. Dude has a bunch of random super powers after all right?

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Japanese Spider-Man Episode 9 Recap – All You Need is Love

Japanese Spider-Man Title Welcome back readers to my new recap series, chronicling the insanity that is the legendary Toei series Japanese Spider-Man! Or, Supaidāman, if you’re feeling phonetic. A simple white on blue title screen gives us this episodes name “The Animate Accessory is the Beetle Spy of Love.” I’m going to go ahead and spoil things for you by letting you know that that title will shockingly prove to be accurate.

The episode proper actually kicks off with Professor Monster showing off the ‘Blue Diamond’ to Amazoness. It’s so rare a gem that it is the only gem of it’s kind in the entire world. How did Professor Monster acquire this impossibly rare gem? Eh that’s not important. What is important is that if he jams this gem into a little slot in his latest Machine Bem, Kabuton, then it will have be able to shoot a laser beam ‘100 times stronger than normal.’

Geez Amazoness quit worrying alreadyNot really sure what having a super strong laser beam has to do with being invincible but hey I’m not the person with the degree in monsters here. Professor Monster declares that Kabuton’s beam will be strong enough to actually punch a hole in Leopardon, and demonstrates it by having Kabuton blow up some steel plate that Amazonesses hand laser gun couldn’t damage. Which since we’ve never seen Amazoness ever actually shoot her ray gun tells us absolutely nothing about how strong his laser actually is. Continue reading

Kamen Rider Agito Ep 12 Recap – The Shining

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

Things kick off this time around with another little game of catch up, where the important facts from last week were apparently that Saeko freaked out and plead ignorance to why she would be in Ryo’s father’s journal and Hikawa’s knocking himself unconscious while distracting the White Zebra Unknown.

Hikawa is having a little nap

Awww he looks so cute when he’s passed out from likely massive internal injuries. Agito shakes free of the White Zebra Unknown but when he tries to find what happened to the Black one he finds it’s disappeared, and in his time looking for it the White one gets away as well. Probably should have sent the White one to jump kick oblivion before looking around there Agito.

With no reason to stay at the scene Agito walks off into some conveniently dramatic mist while Hikawa comes back to his senses which is pretty impressive since he was apparently only knocked out for about ten seconds, and we’re off to the credits!

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Japanese Spider-Man Episode 8 Recap – Can’t Hug Every Cat

Japanese Spider-Man Title

Welcome back readers to my new recap series, chronicling the insanity that is the legendary Toei series Japanese Spider-Man! Or, Supaidāman, if you’re feeling phonetic.

Well considering last weeks episode dealt with an evil cyborg rock band utilizing Pavlovian conditioning techniques to defeat Spider-Man it’s probably going to be rough for this weeks episode to stack up in the insanity department right? Well you might say that if not for this episode starting with a crew of Ninders digging up a cat grave!

That's a pretty big cat skull And not just any cat grave but a cursed cat grave! Surprisingly it doesn’t seem like Professor Monster is going to be the recipient of said curse despite sending a crew of stooges to defile the grave. Also somewhat surprisingly Professor Monster is in the business of looking for cursed objects? Somehow that doesn’t seem like it fits in with his usual bio-mechanical plans.

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 11 Recap – Baywatch Nights

Agito Title Card Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

This week we once again open the episode with a short recap of what happened last week. So the important bit according to Agito was just watching Hojo chicken out and flee from the fight with the Octopus Unknown the first instant it got difficult. They barely cut a single moment of the fun watching Hojo whimper like a little baby as he abandons his duty shamelessly.

And I highly concur! If there was a high point last episode it was definitely getting to fully savor his absolute low point. The Evil Man has a totally important hand tattoo, don't forget! Also the show really goes out of it’s way to remind us that the Evil Man has a weird tattoo on the back of his hand. He was born with it though so I guess you might call it more of a birthmark? Whatever it is it has glowed sometimes when he does stuff and since he keeps changing actors I guess they figured they really wanted some kind of identifying mark the audience could use to pick him out… I mean… oooh it’s mysterious and has mysterious purposes probably not at all tied into the idea that viewers are goldfish! Continue reading

Japanese Spider-Man Ep 7 Recap – SPIDER-MAN BOOGIE!

Japanese Spider-Man Title

Welcome back readers to my new recap series, chronicling the insanity that is the legendary Toei series Japanese Spider-Man! Or, Supaidāman, if you’re feeling phonetic.

We’re wasting no time this week as the episode starts straight away with the title card “The Ferocious Hit Song! Sing and Dance to the Killer Rock.” And unlike a lot of episodes where the title doesn’t make sense until about halfway through the episode (or just straight up never makes any sense at all) this time around we’re going to be starting things right off with said ‘Ferocious Hit Song’! But first let’s meet our rock star!

That's what a rockstar looks like baby!

Yes this is what a rock star looks like. He’s Kobayashi Kotaru, along with his band the BB Five (who only have four members not counting him but they never count him in the BB Five so… who knows what’s up with that). The band also all wear San Francisco 49ers shirts for no reason that the show ever even bothers to hint at let alone establish. But who cares when you can listen to their song after the jump? And I implore you to. Really I do. If you have ever had any trust in me dear readers I ask you to believe me when this song will change your life.

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Kamen Rider Agito Ep 10 Recap – Psych

Agito Title Card

Welcome back to my ongoing recap series for the second Heisei era Kamen Rider show, Kamen Rider Agito!

The before credits this week is entirely catching up on what happened last week. But considering there was a lot of action to get through that’s not all that surprising. For those who need a refresher Shouichi was arrested by Hikawa for the murder of a woman he’d met who may know something about his past, while Hojo stepped into his role as the new G3 with efficiency and ruthlessness as he risked the safety of a child hostage in order to take down an Octopus Unknown.

The Octopus Unknown was just trying to murder a child is that so wrongOh and Ryo did nothing apparently last week. What’s that dear readers? He’s the third main character and is the only one of the main characters who has yet to meet the mysterious Evil Man who seems to be controlling the Unknown despite having been born after they appeared? And that all that might be interesting too? Ha ha, silly. I’m sure if something like that had happened last week it’d have been shown in the start of the episode recap!

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